JAKARTA - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (department of foreign affairs) to invite religious leaders across the community and the elements together to discuss the issue of Israel-Palestinian conflict.
"This forum is routine, we have 50 times the meeting such as this. Today dispesifikkan in exchange thoughts and views on elements of the community in response to Palestinian view," said department of foreign affairs spokesman Teuku Faizasyah, in his office, Pejambon Street, Jakarta, Friday (16 / 1 / 2009).
Faizasyah hope, through the meeting that there are similarities to the front of the views between the government and elements of society. "This certainly does not have the difference between the position of the government with elements of society," he said.
Cross-religious elements that are present representatives NU, Muhammadiyah, MUI, Wali Greja Conference, Representative Buddhist people, media representatives, and representatives from the universities.
Daikui Faizasyah, what has been done in this forum have been capturing the desire of people to lay a cross-sectoral solidarity. "We support the Palestinian struggle for independence because we also antipenjajahan. To future action we should not dikotak-kotakkan with all the attributes are," explained
"This forum is routine, we have 50 times the meeting such as this. Today dispesifikkan in exchange thoughts and views on elements of the community in response to Palestinian view," said department of foreign affairs spokesman Teuku Faizasyah, in his office, Pejambon Street, Jakarta, Friday (16 / 1 / 2009).
Faizasyah hope, through the meeting that there are similarities to the front of the views between the government and elements of society. "This certainly does not have the difference between the position of the government with elements of society," he said.
Cross-religious elements that are present representatives NU, Muhammadiyah, MUI, Wali Greja Conference, Representative Buddhist people, media representatives, and representatives from the universities.
Daikui Faizasyah, what has been done in this forum have been capturing the desire of people to lay a cross-sectoral solidarity. "We support the Palestinian struggle for independence because we also antipenjajahan. To future action we should not dikotak-kotakkan with all the attributes are," explained
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